Код | 527623 |
Дата создания | 2023 |
Мы сможем обработать ваш заказ (!) 24 февраля в 12:00 [мск]
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Вариант 7
Стр. 28
1. Выберите слово, чтобы получилось словосочетание, которое используется в юридической сфере. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.
1. disorderly a)jury b) conduct c) punishment
2. to file a)complain b) punishment c) theft
3. to issue somebody a) conviction b) punishment c) a summons
4. probation a)person b) convicted c) officer
5. witnesses for the a) verdict b) thief c) defense
2. Соотнесите словосочетания и определения к данным словосочетаниям. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.
6. Case a) the decision: guilty or not guilty
7. Evidence b) evidence that shows conclusively whether something is a fact or not
8. Proof c) a crime that is being investigated
9. Verdict d) information used in court of law to decide whether the accused is guilty or not
3. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее русскому. Номера соответствий внесите в лист ответов.
10. cвидетель обвинения a) witness for prosecution b) witness for defense c) defender
11. грабитель,взломщик a) murderer b) burglar c) poisoner
12. правоохранительные органы а) law defendant bodies b) law enforcement bodies
13. предмет обсуждения a) subject item b) subject matter c) issue for asking
14. частичная оплата а) part fee b) partial payment c) full payment
15. гарантии а) warranties b) delegations c) blackmailing
4. Выберите правильный вариант глагола в пассивном или активном залоге. Внесите букву, обозначающую правильный вариант, в лист ответов.
16. The window was broken, and the money ...
a) were disappeared b) was disappearedс) disappeared
17. He never ... to people.
a) listens b) is listened c) listen
18. Stay here. The show will ... perfectly well from this place.
a) see b) be seen
19. You ... for. Go, I won't delay you.
a) are waited b) are being waited
20.Why ... he always ... at?
a) is being laughed b) is laughed
21. The fine hasn't............yet: we have no money.
a) paid b) was c) been paid
22. He will... in prison.
a) is put b) put c) be put
23. The auditors ... already ... all the necessary documents, and they can start their work.
a) were shown b) have been shown
24. Most books should………….
a) have been tested b)be tested
25. The details of the contract should ... much before signing it.
a) have been discussed b) be discussed
26. The police will... him sooner or later,
a) is arrested b) be arrested c) arrest
27. The tank ... at the moment.
a) is filling b) is being filled
5. Выберите подходящий глагол нужном времени. Внесите букву, обозначающую правильный вариант, в лист ответов.
28. For about 10 years legislators……….the bill.
a) have been discussing b) had discussing c) discussed
29. Last year he……….. this university.
a) finished b) had finished c) was finished
30. The police caught the man when he ……………..the shop.
a) robbing b) robed c) was robbing
31. In 1992 our country……………….. the treaty.
a) had ratified b) ratified c) was ratified
32 He already ………. from the university.
a) graduated b) has graduated c) will graduate
33. The police……… the killer yet.
a) didn’t find b) hasn’t found c) haven’t found
34. You look very thoughtful. What…………. about?
a) do you think b) are you thinking c) do
35. Students…………. law at the university.
a) are studying b) study c) have studied
a) graduated b) has graduated c) was graduated
36. He………………. with the judge yet.
a) hasn’t yet talked b) haven’t talked c) hasn’t talked
37. Lawyers……………. to the agreement by the end of the present session.
a) came b) have come c) had come
38. Every year the State Duma of the RF…………..a lot of laws.
a) was passing b) passes c) is passing
6. Выберите правильный вариант сравнительного оборота. Внесите букву, обозначающую правильный вариант, в лист ответов.
39. The document is ……..concise ………. possible.
a) such……as b) so……as c) as……as
40.…………. you work, ………. you study.
a) the better………the more b)the best……….the better c)the more……..the better
41. The period is twice ….. long ……… a semester.
a) as longer…….as b) the c) as ….as
42. This method is…… effective………. the previous one.
a) so………as b)as……….as c) such……..as
43………… you communicate with people,…………. clients you have.
a) the better……the best b) as………as c) the better………the more
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